Felix Hasson's Mitzvah Project
My name is Felix Hasson and my Bar-Mitzvah is coming up on March 19th, 2016. To celebrate and to share our family's joy I have chosen to support the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry, specifically the Limudiah program. This program provides Ethiopian-Jewish school children with intensive after-school tutoring and nutritious lunches. At least 80% of the children in the Limudiah program reach or surpass their grade level.
I am also happy to be twinning with an Ethiopian boy in Israel, Getechau Tzagau, to help sponsor his B'nai Mitzvah preparations, and become pen pals.
Getechau Tzagau
Felix Hasson's Progress
Goal: $1000
Raised: $755
Updated: 6/21/2015
Raised: $755
Updated: 6/21/2015