The NACOEJ/Barney & Rachel Landau Gottstein Adopt-A-Student College Sponsorship Program
Acceptance to college is only the beginning.
Although the Israeli government covers tuition for many Ethiopian-Israeli students, students must pay for their living expenses, including rent, transportation, and above all, food. They also must buy their own books and other educational materials.
For most Ethiopian families in Israel, financing their children's college education is impossible. Part-time jobs are not always available to students. The financial problem has forced too many Ethiopian students to drop out of college without a degree.
Providing a Choice and a Chance
The NACOEJ/Barney & Rachel Landau Gottstein Adopt-A-Student College Sponsorship Program (AAS) gives Ethiopian-Israeli college students the support they need to stay in school and earn their degree. AAS sponsors provide their students with a modest monthly stipend which assists with expenses enabling them to focus on their studies and get the college degree that opens the door to careers that take them out of the cycle of poverty devastating the Ethiopian-Israeli community.
Ethiopian Students Build a Future
Through the NACOEJ AAS College Program, thousands of Ethiopian-Israeli young men and women have been able to complete higher degrees and enter the Israeli workforce as teachers, nurses, engineers, social workers, government employees, lawyers, doctors, artists and more.
As they have become more prominent in Israeli society, these students and graduates serve as role models for the next generation inspiring younger Ethiopian-Israelis to follow in their footsteps. Many have become leaders, demonstrating the visible integration of Ethiopians into Israeli life, ultimately benefiting all Israeli society.
You Can Help!
Sponsor an Ethiopian-Israeli college student. We will make a match for you and one or more students. You will receive a biography and photo of each student and will continue to hear from your student throughout the academic year.
The cost to sponsor a student for each academic year is $1,320 and can be donated monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually. You can "adopt" a student as an individual, family, or as part of a group. We hope that you will continue to support your student throughout his or her college career.
If you do not wish to adopt a student, you can choose instead to make a donation to the general college program. That helps a lot, assisting students with special needs and contributing to the program's success.
For more information, please call 212-233-5200 x. 230 or email Education@nacoej.org.
Click here to be a sponsor or to support the program. In "Additional Comments", type in "College Sponsorship", followed by the number of students you wish to sponsor. Then, above, select "Other Amount" and enter the dollar amount that corresponds to $1,320 multiplied by the number of students you have chosen to sponsor. If you wish to contribute and not sponsor, enter the amount you wish to donate to the programs.