Jennifer Jacobs' Mitzvah Project
Message From Jennifer:
On November 5, 2011, I will become a Bat Mitzvah. My Torah portion involves God telling Abraham to move away from his home to the land that God will show him. During a recent trip to Israel, I was thinking about my mitzvah project. On that trip, I met some Ethiopian Jews and did some work to beautify an absorption center where immigrants live and learn Hebrew after they arrive in Israel. After returning home, I knew that I wanted my mitzvah project to support Ethiopian Jews living in Israel.
The Ethiopian-Israeli Jews, including children, face many challenges. Almost 72% of Ethiopian-Israeli children live below the poverty line, and only 40% of these children are at grade level. The North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry helps Ethiopian Jews survive in Ethiopia, travel to Israel, and become absorbed into Israeli life. Through NACOEJ, I am participating in a twinning program. My twin is my age, and we have been writing to each other. I hope to meet my twin one day. NACOEJ also sponsors an intensive after-school education program for Ethiopian-Israeli children called Limudiah. Limudiah provides 10-12 extra hours each week in small classes for reading, writing, math, and study skills. This after-school education helps the children perform better in school.
I am raising money to support the Limudiah program. My fundraising goal is $2,800.00, which will pay for two children to participate in Limudiah for one school year. You can donate on this website. Also, I designed wristbands with the words “hope” between the Israeli flag and the Ethiopian flag which I am selling for $3.00 each or $5.00 for two. If you would like to buy wristband(s), please mail me a check (payable to me) to my home. The proceeds from the wristbands will go to Limudiah. If you donate to my website and would like a wristband, please email me at jenniejacobs98@gmail.com , and I will send you one.
Please help these Ethiopian-Israeli children receive a better education so that they can be happy, regain their pride, and stop the cycle of poverty. Thank you in advance for your support of my mitzvah project.
Jennie Jacobs
Jennifer Jacobs' Wish List
- $18 Lunch for 1 Limudiah class of 8 children for a day
- $36 Books for 2 children for a year in Lumudiah
- $72 Limudiah and lunch for 1 child for 2 weeks
- $180 Field trips and special activities for 1 class
- $350 sponsors my high school student for 1 year
- $700 sponsors my high school student for 2 years
- $1,050 sponsors my high school student for 3 years
- $1,400 1 child for 1 year in Limudiah

Jennifer Jacobs's Progress
Raised : $ 2584
Updated : 9/27/2012